What is a honesty box?

An honesty box is a method of selling products such as farm produce like eggs and milk and bread. They can also be used in businesses such as holiday lets, events or local communities providing additional extras such as popcorn and chocolate. 

Honesty boxes rely on the honesty of its customers to pay for the products because nobody is supervising the transaction.

Where to put an honesty box?

Honesty boxes can be located on the side of the road outside a village green or a local farm.

A good place to locate them is along a busy country walk path. 

Types of honesty box?

There can be many different types and styles of a honesty box. They can be wooden boxes durable for outside in all weathers or kept indoors.

They can be a simple wooden box on a table or more elaborate by making a sheltered area for the products.

Secure your honesty box

One of the drawbacks of a honesty box is relying on customers having the correct change or cash for the products. That is where HonestyBoxShop.com can help.

You create your online honesty box for free where customers can scan your QR code and purchase items using their phone.

No cash is required and no money is left unattended. 

Your Online Honesty Box

The Online Honesty Box Solution

Customers scan your honesty box QR code and then can purchase your items with there mobile phones.